Friday, February 1, 2013

Student Review - Avalon

Book Title: Avalon High

Book Author: Meg Cabot

Reviewer: Anjali Venna

Why would you recommend this book? This book is not a typical Meg Cabot book. Usually she writes about "girly" stuff. Boyfriends, Popular crowd,etc,etc. This really stunned me. I like suspense, action, and a little bit of romance. This book gave me all I want. It's about new girl, Elaine Harrison, who moves to Maryland. She starts at a new school called Avalon High home of the Excalibers. It's like any typical high school. There's Mr. Popular, Will . Little Miss. Perfect, Jennifer. And Mr. Popular's Wing-man, Lance. But no sooner than she arrives does she realize that if you look close enough, the place is like a modern day Camelot! So with parents who are professors, and a group called the Order of the Bear, could King Arthur be reborn? Or will the forces of evil get him? Elaine Harrison's life will never be the same. If that sparks something then you should read Avalon High.

What did you like about the book? This book gave me amazing facts about Camelot and King Arthur in an entertaining way. It also shows how to deal with high school as "The New Girl".It was also interesting to see how each character had things in common with the mythical characters of Camelot. Plus, I had to know how Arthur defeats Mordrad, or even who King Arthur was. It also had a love triangle and any book with a love triangle is worth reading in my opinion. Or was it a ... how do say it... a quadruple triangle?

What did you dislike about the book? This was a great book, although at certain points, the story seemed to drag and the author kept repeating what the main character was feeling over and over again.

Final thoughts about the book? Like I said earlier this was a great book and I recommend you read it. This also might get you interested in Medieval times, cause I know I did.

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