Checklist for Evaluating Websites with START

ü  Are all aspects of the topic covered?
ü  Is the coverage in depth?
ü  Does the information add new or unique information about your topic?
ü  Are there visual aids that enhance the text?

ü  Is the information presented as a fact or opinion?
ü  Is evidence provided?
ü  Are conclusions logical? Are there links to more information or references?
ü  Is the information free from bias?
ü  Is the information consistent with information from other sources?
ü  Is it free of grammatical and spelling errors?

ü  Are the authors qualifications presented? Is the page signed?
ü  Is there any information about the author available?
ü  Does the author have an educational background related to the topic?
ü  Does the author have other expertise related to the topic?
ü  Is the author affiliated with an educational institution or other reputable organization?  Is .edu for “education” part of the URL?  Is .gov for “government” part of the URL?
ü  Is the information from a website or an organization that is reliable?
ü  Do you know anything about the reputation of the organization?  Is there any information on the page about the organization?

ü  Does the information address your topic?
ü  Does the information provide evidence for your point of view?
ü  Does the information verify other information you are using from other sources?

ü  Is there a date provided for the web page and the information on it?
ü  Is the information sufficiently current for your purpose?
ü  Regardless of the date, is the information still useful?

Note: Not every box must be checked for a website to have value.  However, if you cannot check at least the majority in each section, you should NOT use the website as a source.

From Iannuzzi, Patricia, et. Al.  Teaching Information Literacy Skills.  Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Copyright © 1999 by Pearson Education.

Tools To Help You:
Helps you figure out who published the site

Helps you figure out the history of the site

Try These:










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